Sunday, June 2, 2024

pRotectionism: The way to compete in 2024

Have you ever...

...spent hours, maybe even days, tackling a tricky coding problem at work, only to discover a better, cleaner, and faster open-source alternative? UGH! There’s got to be a better way!

You're in luck!

Inspired by the populist policies of recent US administrations and a global resurgence in protectionist trade policies, we present to you the pRotectionism package for R. This package aims to level the playing field by extending the runtime of more efficient code.

Key Features

  • taRiff(): Want to delay the execution of an efficient function? Simply call taRiff() on the function along with the desired delay time in seconds. Voila! You’re back in the game, competing against more efficient code on a more even playing field.
  • autaRky(): If you are Jones-ing for that extra edge, autaRky() is for you. This function removes all imported libraries, providing you with a self-sufficient coding environment that just might help you keep your job.

Get Started

Download the package from GitHub: pRotectionism


Interested in adding functionality? You’re more than welcome to contribute! Just be aware that any new functionality might incur an additional taRiff() at my discretion.

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